In the bustling heart of West London, the sequel to our initial collaboration with Avocado Show unfolds. Having already made our mark on their first West End location, we approached the Covent Garden project with a refined sense of familiarity yet an undying zest for innovation.
Hospitality, by nature, requires a certain finesse—a balance between aesthetics and functionality, ambience and efficiency. With the Avocado Show Covent Garden, our mission was to intertwine these elements, creating a space where guests would feel both comforted and captivated. Each detail, from the choice of materials to the strategic layout, was meticulously considered and crafted.
The result is a venue that exudes character—a space that doesn’t just serve food but tells a story. Having had the privilege to collaborate with the brand on two occasions now, our understanding of their ethos and vision deepened, ensuring the Covent Garden outlet was not just a repetition but a progression—a testament to the evolving partnership between SEI and Avocado Show.
Member of The Guild of Master Craftsmen
Proud Sponsors of Hendon Football Club
Joined The Brent Business Climate Charter